English MOOC, English MOOCs, ESL courses with online games, online videos for ESL, online ESL games, ESL PDFs

ESL courses
ESL videos
videos +games
ESL games

Looking to improve your English? Click here to book free online lessons with trainee teachers.

This ESL teaching website is an English MOOC with ESL teaching materials. It is especially useful for teachers and students who enjoy learning ESL with online games. It is aimed at both ESL teachers and students and includes searchable:

  • ESL courses
  • videos
  • games
  • PDFs
  • Attend online lessons and help trainee teachers.

6 steps to improve your or your students' English:

English skills

#1 - Skills to improve:

  • When you communicate, you gain 45% of language competence from Listening, 30% from Speaking, 15% from Reading and 10% from Writing. Therefore, you or your ESL students should spend more time on:
  • 1. Listening
  • 2. Speaking
  • 3. Reading
  • 4. Writing
Level test

#2 - Starting point:

  • step 2a. Answer this question: Do you know your or your students' English level?
  • step 2b. If the answer is YES, go to step 3 below.
  • step 2c. If the answer is NO, answer this question: Are you or your students starting English from 0?
  • step 2d. If the answer is YES, start with our CEFR Beginner A1.1 English MOOC or search for online videos for ESL, online ESL games or ESL PDFs at CEFR Beginner A1.1 level.
  • step 2e. If the answer is NO, do our English level test for listening, speaking, reading and writing. Write down the skill, level and date for each level test. THE LEVEL TESTS WILL BE AVAILABLE SHORTLY
ESL course

#3 - ESL courses with online games

  • step 3a. If you have time, choose a course from our ESL courses with online games. The levels are: Basic (CEFR A1, A2), Intermediate (B1, B2), Advanced (C1, C2), TEFL (TESOL). The more followers we have, the more courses we can create. Follow us on social media:

  • step 3b. Follow the steps on the course, watch the videos and test your knowledge with the games.
  • step 3c. If you don't have a time, go to step 4, 5 or 6.

#4 - Online videos for ESL

  • step 4a. Go to online videos for ESL, select any filter and click apply to see the results.
  • step 4b. Most of the videos have games so watch, play and learn English or use the online videos for ESL and online ESL games with your students. Some videos have more than one game.

#5 - online ESL games

  • step 5a. Go to online esl games, select any filter and click apply to see the results.
  • step 5b. Play and learn English or use the online ESL games with your students.

#6 - ESL PDFs

  • step 6a. Go to ESL PDFs, select any filter and click apply to see the results.
  • step 6b. Do the activities and learn English or use the activities with your ESL students.
Boost your level

Boost your English level and succeed

The more hours you do the more you will improve. Remember to follow us on social media:

Search for ESL teaching materials or ESL learning materials at any level:


Choose a course and absorb English


Watch, play and absorb English


Play and absorb English


Search for an ebook and absorb English